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As of 9:20 PM of July 21, 2024, E2M update has been completed. Kindly start

processing your request and monitor its status. Kindly expect a slight delay

due to surge in volume.

Thank you for your patience and coordination.

__________________________________________________ ______


Continuation of Electronic-to-Mobile (E2M) Maintenance Activity

Please be informed that BOC-MISTG (Management Information System

and Technology Group) will be continuing system maintenance to improve

customs processing system, which includes archiving historical data and

migrating the application server to a new cloud environment.

The scheduled downtime will be on Sunday, July 21, 2024 from 8:00 AM to

5:00 PM. Please be advised that the E2M system will be unavailable during

this time.

We encourage all users to finalize any transactions ahead of the


Thank you for your patience and coordination.
